Thursday, September 11, 2008

Summer is over.....cooling trend in Los Angeles

I noticed this morning a little bit of chill in the air as I started out on my trip around 6am PST. I wear full helmet, and armored jacket and leg protection so I don't feel the chill, and also the fairing on the scooter helps. I have been really attempting to keep my speed down around the posted limit as I can see how anything over that can exponentially lead to a big mess. Going down a street at 35mph you feel a lot more in control than you do at 45-50mph.
My 01' Honda Reflex now has almost 11k miles on the clock and it is proving very dependable. I keep up the service and oil changes. It is soon due for some inspections at the dealer and I will have them done. One must take into account the added cost of ownership of "gas saving" vehicles in the scheme of things. I am for sure in the hole with my purchase of the used scooter and all the extras like service, MSF classes, insurance, helmet etc. But I am really enjoying the daily commute on my scooter.